B2B for B2C
across Latin
This large content producer creates and offers best-in-class entertainment. In addition to selling their channels directly to consumers, in many countries, they have distributors as strategic partners, establishing a B2B venture. These distributors have their own social networks where they share the contents of all the channels in their portfolio.
The more the contents are shared on the networks, the more they are seen and commented on by word of mouth. Our challenge was to create content that is compelling enough to give us a place in their social space.

The challenge.
We were invited to participate in a contest where strategy, creativity and production for the three regions of Latin America were evaluated, which required creating content in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Success was measured by the number of content downloads from each of the distributors across the continent.
In addition to creating attractive social content, we had to make the process very simple, accessible and friendly, avoiding any potential problems in the content implementation that could frustrate the community manager, the main content decision-maker.

Fresh content,
authentic engagement.
Throughout 2018, we created content for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Content was categorized as premiere, video, warm-up, or traditional Instagram, Twitter and Twitter content. We deployed creative monthly newsletters to encourage downloads, and we developed monthly calendars with recommendations of content to publish based on broadcast schedules.
We targeted the content by region, with 20–25 posts and tweets per region. Using the insights from Q1 and Q2, we adjusted our content strategy and increased downloads up to 300% in Q3 and Q4, exceeding client expectations.

Throughout 2018, we created content for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Content was categorized as premiere, video, warm-up, or traditional Instagram, Twitter and Twitter content. We deployed creative monthly newsletters to encourage downloads, and we developed monthly calendars with recommendations of content to publish based on broadcast schedules.
We targeted the content by region, with 20–25 posts and tweets per region. Using the insights from Q1 and Q2, we adjusted our content strategy and increased downloads up to 300% in Q3 and Q4, exceeding client expectations.

Increase in
by region.